Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tim Tebow Super Bowl Commercial Hype

There is a lot of hype going around right now about the Tim Tebow pro-life commercial that is going to air during the Super Bowl.  You can read a bit about this here.  Many pro-choicers are calling for CBS to retract it. 

Jay Watts writes in response:
Tim Tebow and his mother Pam in conjunction with private donors and Focus on the Family have legally purchased commercial air time during the Super Bowl to tell the story of how his mother was advised to abort him over medical concerns. Specifically there was something wrong with Tim that made it medically advisable to terminate his life. The content of the ad has been reviewed and approved by the network as acceptable. The theme of the brief spot is “Celebrate Family, Celebrate Life.” And according to abortion supporters, supposedly obsessed with freedom and choice, you should not be allowed to see this spot.

Odd isn't it? Freedom, they cry! Liberty and equality for all and don't you attempt to force your view of morality on others. And yet it is that very same group that is now demanding that CBS not allow this perfectly legal and approved spot to air. Their desire for freedom is so specifically and narrowly defined as their own right to destroy inconvenient human life that the hypocrisy of this stance remains hidden from them. It is not freedom but fiat that they seek, and this fact is embarrassingly clear every time they seek to bully and quash the basic right to express contrary opinions.
Terrell Clemmons also writes:
An advertisement about a mother and her successful football player son, shown during a football game, is “not being respectful of other people’s lives.” Really?
“It is offensive to hold one way out as being a superior way over everybody else’s.” Really? Or is that merely Ms. O'Neill's way being held out as superior?

Yet to be determined: What will CBS deem to be the superior way?

Just as an aside, would you please please please join me in advocating for the complete stoppage of all the "tolerance" talk. Tolerance is not the issue and it never has been. If anyone tells you to stop being "intolerant", or that you should be more tolerant because of a view that you hold, just suggest something like this:
"Why are you asking me to be more tolerant?  That in itself is not very tolerant.  If you were really consistent in your view of tolerance you would accept ALL views, including mine, as valuable.  But we both know that is impossible.  No one wants to be "tolerant" of Hitler and his views on the Jews. So we both know that real tolerance is an impossibility. 

Let's just get down to what really is going on here.  We both disagree about something.  I think I am right, and you think you are right.  Most likely, we both can't be right.  Do you think we can give reasons for or against our beliefs and not kill each other?  I do.  So why don't we cease with all the "tolerance" talk that really doesn't get either of us anywhere and give reasons for why we believe what we believe.  That way, maybe we can find out what is really true.  Peace-loving truth is what matters here much more than tolerance."

1 comment:

The DH said...

Good article, weird subtitle. I agree with you though; the word "tolerance", when used by the left, is a meaningless word. What they mean to say is, let's be accepting of all views, so long as they don't differ from mine. In the mind of a liberal, an opposing view is said to be "not tolerant", and is therefore intolerable. This is why they have such a huge problem with an opposing view being heard, even though they see themselves as advocates for free speech.