Monday, February 08, 2010

All That Hype For This?

Seemed pretty tame to me.


Christy said...

My thoughts exactly.

the sife said...

There wasn't even really a pro-life message. It was about Tim Tebow. If we've gotten to the point where this is how timid we have to be in addressing abortion, we've lost the battle.

Someone who wasn't even aware of the controversy wouldn't have even known that abortion was an issue in this ad.

GFish said...

Did the change what they were going to show?

"The hype" made it sound like they were going to tell Mrs. Tebow's story about a doctor telling her the baby wouldn't survive.

Unknown said...

Very disappointing. My first response when I saw it live.. .”huh?...that’s it?!”

I wonder if it is a totally ineffective waste of money, or might God use it somehow?

if you go to the Focus website, they seem to assume that many will flock to their site to see the *full story* ...but, i don't know if the ad was provocative enough to cause that kind of response. And, even if they report lots of hits, it's probably from pro-lifers, i would assume...

Kyle said...

Lame in the membrane.

Tyler Smith said...

It was a disappointing commercial.

Not controversial
Not Funny
No Talking Babies