Thursday, February 18, 2010

Being Like A Seven-Year-Old Who Doesn't Think Breakfast Will Be On The Table

This is a season of increased faith for my family and I as we raise money, try to sell our house in a very challenging sellers market, seek to plant a church, and buy a house in Madison, WI.

Last night I preached to a group of college students at the University if New Mexico.  One of my main points in the message was that our remembrance of the past should propel us forward into the future with faith.  In light of what God has done for us in the past how could we not to move forward with faith into an unknown future (Rom. 8:32)?  I gave them an analogy from parenting about faith and God's provision.

I have a seven year old son.  For everyday for over seven years I have provided him with food to eat.  How absurd would it be for him to come down the stairs one morning with his head slumped down and say, "Dad, I know that you have fed me breakfast all these years, but I just don't think you are going to today."  I would look at him kind of funny but also I would feel a bit dishonored.  Why would he think this?

I need to repent of acting in this same way towards God.  He will provide.  It may not be in the way that I would ideally prescribe, but my prescriptions don't always lead to cure that I need.

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