Monday, February 01, 2010

Born to Cheat?

Mark Wolter:
ABC's Nightline recently hosted another face-off between two worldviews. One side, more or less the Biblical view of sex, marriage and adultery; and on the other side, basically the secular, non-religious side. I encourage you to watch.

"In this fourth installment [of the face-offs], Pastor Ed Young of the Fellowship Church and recovering sex addict and founder of "Be Broken Ministries" Jonathan Daugherty will face-off against Ashley founder and CEO Noel Biderman and author Jenny Block about adultery, the seventh commandment and if we are born to cheat."


JT said...

Yikes. ABC needs an editor!

Pastor Ed Young of the Fellowship Church and recovering sex addict and founder of "Be Broken Ministries" Jonathan Daugherty

Vitamin Z said...

I know, I thought the same thing. That is jacked.
