Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Eight Reasons You Need to Rediscover Your Passion for Exercise

Great article here from The Art of Manliness blog.  Get on it!

I would add a ninth...  God created your body.  It is good because he says it is good and we should value what God values, so care for it and cherish it. 


Gustavo said...

Zach, I read the eight reasons, and am finding only earthly wisdom, not wisdom from above there. I say this as an aging triathlete, not a couch potato. This post has made me reexamine my reasons for exercising, and I realize that many times, they are sub-Christian. Your ninth reason is excellent, but I find it surprising that you recommend the other eight.

Vitamin Z said...

Not sure that I would give them an unfiltered endorsement, but probably would need to think about them through the Christian lens and think theologically about them. I don't think it is all "earthly" wisdom and much of it could be filled under the wisdom category in general that common grace can give to believers and unbelievers alike. More than anything I would like to see Christian embody #9 that I proposed and if the other ones help from the blog I linked to that would be great.
