Tuesday, February 02, 2010

GSP on Wisdom

As many of you know, I am a fan of the UFC and MMA.  I think it is a sport that will continue to become more and more popular.  Recently in reference to a new training partner that he utilized for his next fight, champion George St. Pierre said something that sounded quite Biblical.  I have no idea if he is a Christian or not, but it was good to be reminded of this today. 
"I see myself [in Mousasi]. But two weight classes above. He's a great fighter. He's very open-minded. He's amazing. He taught me two great techniques. Those two things I learned today are worth my whole trip. I'm very happy, and I'm going to be working on it a lot.... If I could have a choice between money, fame or wisdom and knowledge, I would take wisdom first, without hesitation. I'm already a better fighter than I was before the practice. I have more knowledge."

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