Thursday, April 08, 2010

5 Reasons I Take Vitamin Z

I am looking forward to doing some guest posts for Zach this week.  I begin by giving 5 of the reasons why I take Vitamin Z.  Chris Brauns. . . Any reasons you would add?

#5 – The Bizarre Posts – Zach is eclectic in his posting and the humor often connects with me.  In fact, when I reviewed the “stupid stuff” category on my blog, I noticed that no one has more hat tips than Vitamin Z.  Zach’s Ken Lee post (see here) may be my favorite all-time post in this category. 
If you haven’t watched Ken Lee, you really must do so: click here.
#4 – Zach is a native of the GSOI and a University of Northern Iowa Panther alum.  Likewise, I am from the GSOI and my MBA is from there.
#3 - I like his music.  

 #2Zach is pro-life and pro-adoption without apology
#1 – Zach is helping lead a church plant in Madison, Wisconsin.  (See here).  There may be no strategic place to plant churches in our day, than in University communities.  They are at the crossroads of the world.  I can’t wait to hear how this goes. 
Why do you take Vitamin Z? 


pastor clint said...

Hey Chris, I take the Vit. Z for all of the same reasons you do. I also hail from the GSOI and I was a fan of Z's music back when he was playing with the "Salty Dogs." He seems like a friend who offers spiritual encouragement from afar.
Go Hawks!

Joe Foell said...


I've been hanging with Z fairly regularly for a while now, not just because it's fun, but because it regularly challenges me to "practice the presence of God" (to cop a phrase from Brother Laurence). The relatively short posts give me enough of a taste of conviction and challenge that I regularly dig a bit deeper on my own, clicking through or searching elsewhere to learn more or "feel the burn" (so to speak) of the Spirit. As with the Desiring God blog, I feel that my walk with God is being stregthened through my web surfing in a way that is comparable to my quiet times with God's word. It's a way that God is speaking to me these days.

Thanks Zach (& company), keep up the good work!