Thursday, April 08, 2010

One Indispensable Essential

Guest post by Darryl Dash

A friend of mine sent me this email. He's given me permission to post it. He argues that one thing's really necessary to see a church revitalized. Surprisingly, it's not vision or leadership - although those are both undoubtedly important.

See what he says. We often forget this quality, and I think it really is as important as he says it is.

I have had some experience helping in various ways to plant seven churches in Canada in recent years. Five of those could be described as re-plants. In order for a re-plant to be successful there is one indispensable essential: humility. Until the leaders and people of an established and dying church are truly "broken" before God, it won't happen.

As you said in one of the posts, we're not talking about surface changes here. It goes deep. Most often we're talking about changing the kinds of things with which Jesus challenged the seven churches in Revelation 2-3. You have to be completely humble to receive that.

Sadly, we don't find a lot of humble people in dying churches. What we find are people tenaciously holding on to "their thing".

But when we do find such humility, it is amazing to watch the transformation of a whole church...and there's nothing like a church plant (or re-plant) for reaching the lost.

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