Friday, June 04, 2010

Knock Out the Big Stuff

Guest post by: Todd Bumgarner

So often in life we are overwhelmed by the amount of things we have to do. In an age of growing connectivity and productivity, the forces tell us that we have to do more, read more, and be more. When you slip into this trap it can be tough to get out. When you can't get out you live in a constant state of feeling overwhelmed. You have some big things that need to be done, but three million smaller things that seem to eat up all of your time too. In the end, you wind up paralyzed by being overwhelmed.

If that describes your current state of mind, try this:
  • List out the "big things" you need to be working on. These are things that you know you need to do, but you never quite have the quality time to work on them. Paying bills is a small thing. Mastering your budget and making sure you have a full grasp on your finances is a big thing. Prepping for a sermon is a small thing. Planning out the next year of where you're going and why is a big thing. Buying office supplies is a small thing. Organizing your office so that you can actually function efficiently while in it is a big thing.
  • Schedule one "big thing" per week to knock out. Sure, you think you can do more but the truth is you will never do any of the big things until you get them on the calendar. So pick one and block off a half day, a day, or whatever it will take.
  • Give yourself permission on that scheduled day to blow everything else off and focus on the "big thing."
By knocking out the big things, you will free up your attention and your focus to be able to more easily knock out the little things without being overwhelmed with life.

Give it a try and let me know how it works for you. I've got at least three things myself that are riding on the "big thing" list right now:
  1. Getting church plant finances completely mastered, under control, and handed off.
  2. Coming up with a comprehensive life plan and priorities for our family (in conjunction with my wife).
  3. Getting our Sunday gathering space into a stable state - requiring quite a bit of manual labor.

Got other GTD suggestions for "big things"? I'd love to hear them. Comment away.

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