Monday, June 28, 2010

The Sexual Relationship is a Good Barometer for Marriage Health

What Did You Expect?: Redeeming the Realities of Marriage
The sexual relationship is a good barometer for every couple. The character and quality of the marriage relationship will determine the character and quality of their sexual union. You don’t leave disappointment and division at the bedside. You don’t escape misunderstanding and hurt simply because you are in another’s arms. Because, in this most intimate of human relationships, you are actually physically disrobed and in the arms of another to whom you are offering your physical self, most if not all of the layers of self-protection are gone. You are in a place of exposure and vulnerability. This is what makes the sexual relationship so beautiful. You can be exposed and vulnerable in the arms of your lover and be unafraid, because you know he or she will care for you, and you know that the results will be mutual satisfaction.

- Paul Tripp, What Did You Expect?: Redeeming the Realities of Marriage

(HT:  Chris Brauns)

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