Monday, June 28, 2010

Two Comparisons That Make Me Thankful For My New iPhone4

Garmin Forerunner 205 GPS Receiver and Sports WatchGarmin Forerunner 205 GPS Receiver and Sports Watch


RunKeeper App on my iPhone 4


Check this one out as well...

TomTom ONE XL-S 4.3-Inch Widescreen Portable GPS NavigatorTomTom ONE XL-S 4.3-Inch Widescreen Portable GPS Navigator


Skobbler app on my iPhone 4 that basically does the same thing.



Anonymous said...

Shouldn't we include the $25.00 - 30.00 a month data fee that come along with owning a smart phone? This would make this comparison more accurate. That's $300.00 plus a year.


Vitamin Z said...

Good point, but I would be paying close to that anyway for another phone that can't do these things... I don't pay that much either.