Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No Pain Before 24 Weeks?

Study says fetus can feel no pain before 24 weeks.

Who cares?

Why is "feeling pain" a basis on which we decide whether we can kill a human being or not?  Seems like a poor category for personhood.  For example, what about those with leprosy?  Or what if technological advance allows us to discover a fail proof way to kill toddlers without having them feel any pain.  Should we then allow parents to murder their toddlers?  Obviously this is ludicrous, but if "feeling pain" is the basis on which we decide what persons should be protected and what persons shouldn't it is actually not too mark off the mark.

This type of argumentation is a complete red herring.  THE issue with abortion is personhood.  Let's not be distracted by studies like this.


Jared said...

It also makes no sense given that we use anesthesia all the time for surgical procedures, including the lethal injection of convicted criminals, but nobody says the subject stops being a person when they stop feeling pain.

Anonymous said...

Our son was born and died at 23 weeks 6 days. It sure seemed to me he was feeling pain as he cried and fought for breath.