Monday, July 05, 2010

Patience and Church Planting

Finally we have some sort of "set-up" going on at our house.  We have been out of our own space since April 30th and today as of July 5th it finally feels like "home" at our new place.  Seems like our whole family life has been in a state of chaos for about the past four-five months.  We knew it would be like this but you never know until you are actually in it.  We possess what we experience.

So between trying to learn how to work at the Apple store, set up our house with four little kids spazing, meeting new people in our neighborhood, and planting a church we are quite conflicted to the point of feeling paralyzed at times.  Again, we knew it would be wild but now we feel it.

Patience is key here.  It is something that I struggle with at times.  We can't do everything all at once, nor does God expect us to.  We are not him.  We are simply called to be faithful with each step today.

But I like results and boxes that get checked off the list!

Unfortunately, relationships don't work that way and that is the name of the game with this church planting stuff.  Relationships with people who don't know Jesus, relationships with people who are interested in our church, and relationships with other pastors in town.  Relationships take time and you can measure them on a spreadsheet.  

Patience and faithfulness.  Those are my words for the next season of my life.


jfisher said...

Z - one of my friends from TEDS just took the position as Senior Pastor at High Point Church ( in Madison. His name is Nic Gibson (blogs at He popped into my mind when I read your comment about developing relationships with area pastors.

Anonymous said...


We have been and will be for a while in major transition- it is so tough! It is amazing how God made us yearn for routine and a sense of home. We are striving with you all to make Him our home.
Kellie S.