Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Resources for Genesis 1-2

John Starke:
D. A. Carson’s new book The God Who Is There is an excellent resource to hand unbelievers or new believers with little-to-no understanding of the message of the Bible.  In his first chapter, “The God Who Made Everything,” he focuses on the first two chapters of Genesis and their foundation for a Christian worldview.  Carson suggests some resources that respond to those that claim Genesis 1-2 is incompatible with science.
Below are three books and one article that responds to the “new atheism”:
  1. R. Albert Mohler, Atheism Remix (Crossway)
  2. David Bentley Hart, Atheism Delusion: The Christian Revolution and Its Fashionable Enemies (Yale University Press)
  3. Paul Copan and William Lane Craig (editors), Contending with Christianity’s Critics: Answering New Atheists and Other Objectors (B&H)
  4. William Lane Craig, “Five Arguments for the Existence of God” (PDF)
Carson also suggests two books that talk about scientists who are Christians:
  1. William A. Dembski (editor), Uncommon Discent: Intellectuals Who Find Darwinism Unconvincing (Intercollegiate Studies Institute)
  2. Li Cheng, Song of a Wanderer: Beckoned by Eternity (Foundation for Chinese Christian Authors) (About a Chinese atheist and scientist who became a Christian)

1 comment:

D.J. Williams said...

Atheism Remix is brief, but good. A nice starting point for someone who wants to know what the new atheists are about.