Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Why Teenagers Are Not Excited About The Gospel

How People ChangeMy work with teenagers has convinced me that one of the main reasons teenagers are not excited by the gospel is that they do not think they need it.  Many parents have successfully raised self-righteous little Pharisees.  When they look at themselves, they do not see a sinner in desperate need, so they are not grateful for a Savior.  Sadly, the same is true of many of their parents.  
- Timothy Lane and Paul Tripp, How People Change, p. 5

1 comment:

Eric said...

As a junior high pastor, I completely concur. When I was teaching on the prodigal son, we came to the end of the story and I asked the students which example we were supposed to follow, the older or younger son. 95% said the older son.

It turned out to be a beautiful teaching moment. When I pointed out to them that the older son wasn't at the party you could see the light bulbs turning on. But it proved that the "make good decisions" parenting strategy is alive and well, even in our most biblically saturated churches.