Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Church Family and Adoption

Johnny Carr:
The hurt and pain that adopted children bring with them are real. Here is how the orphan care and adoption ministry of the Church may become part of the solution.
In a Christian worldview, adoption is more than one family adopting a child. Adoption ministry needs to include families who cannot (or who are not called to) adopt—as they are able to provide support for the families who have. Adoption can be a difficult journey. Sometimes it takes the body of Christ working with the adoptive family to deal with many of the issues.
As this incredible wave of orphan care and adoption ministry continues to gain momentum in churches, we must make sure that we have a good theological understanding of adoption and a good practical understanding of adoption.
While I will continue to show the sweet pictures of our adoption journeys during my sermons, I will also take the time to educate families about the grief and loss that is always part of adoption. Healing can take place, and for many children, it starts with adoption…but it doesn’t end there—it never does.
Read the rest.

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