Monday, August 23, 2010

The Cruelty of Man

Last night my wife and I watched the second to last episode of Band of Brothers.  If you have not watched this mini-series from HBO, I would highly recommend it.  It is extremely well done and gives the viewer many real life snapshots into what is meant to be a soldier during WWII.

Last night's episode, called, "Why We Fight" was harrowing and as a result, the most impactful for me.  In this episode the soldiers stumble upon a Jewish concentration camp that had just been abandoned by the Nazis the day before due to the war coming to a close.  The Jews were still locked inside the camp and the soldiers were mortified by what they found there.

I quickly forget that these atrocities took place just a mere sixty some years ago.  How could this have happened?  The images from the show are still burned in my mind and I'm sure the dramatic representation, though very well done, was yet lacking in coherence to the how it looked in real life.

There really are no words to describe this type of cruelty.  It still happens today but just not on this grand of a scale.  I am left saying "Come Lord Jesus, come quickly!"  I praise God that we have a worldview that teaches me to say, "Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?"  He will one day makes all things right.  We need it desperately.


Michael Kelley said...

Totally agree. That was an amazing episode - one that leaves you haunted.

M&M in Japan said...

I really liked the Pacific mini-series too, for similar reasons. So many things to learn from our past.

BTW, love the new music, Z!