Sunday, August 08, 2010

A Good Barometer For The Health of Your Marriage

I'll break it down really simple.  Ask yourself this question:  How often do the words, "I'm sorry.  Will you please forgive me?" come out of your mouth towards your spouse?

Not very often?

If not, either your spouse is enabling your sin, you have a low view of your sin, or you are too insecure in your identity in Christ to confess.

I could easily say that the consistent theme that I have seen in marriages that fall apart (or are completely dysfunctional) is the inability to name sin and repent.  But believing the Gospel should compel us to see our sin (that is what Jesus died for right?) and if we believe that Jesus had to die for my sin then why would it be a big shocker that I would have to name that same sinful state to my spouse as part of the means by which I kill it.

Embrace the need to repent and do so verbally to your mate.  The blessing upon your marriage will be huge.

Dave Bruskas has some great thoughts along these lines here as well.  Please read.


Kat said...

Amen! I think this goes for a healthy family as well. Our kids can't base their idea of perfection on us, but they need to base it on Christ.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, please forgive me, but the twitching Clover ad is driving me crazy...