Friday, August 27, 2010

Jim Rome is Funny

I love listening to Jim Rome.  He takes a little getting used to, but like he always says, give him two weeks and then after that, if you don't like it, fair enough.  I think he is hilarious and one of the best interviewers out there for sports.  Usually his non-sports takes are the best.  This would be a good example...


Josh R said...

Interesting clip..

Reminds me of a more secular version of Mark Driscoll..

I would suppose there is a simular target dymographic.

pastor clint said...

I lost all respect for Jim Rome in 2002 when Kirk Ferentz refused to come on his show because he didn't respect him either. And so Rome responded to that by spending the next several days trashing the Iowa Football team on his radio show. You could sense the arrogance and pride seething out of him as you listened to him. It reminded me of how a bully responds when all of the sudden he is the one being made fun of, and is shown for what he is.
- Clint Hogrefe, Meriden, Iowa