Thursday, September 02, 2010

Interview with Bryan Chapell

How can a young pastor begin to preach the gospel every week?

What can a pastor do to begin to preach the gospel? from Journey-Creative on Vimeo.

How do we see the gospel in the law?

How can I see the gospel through the law? from Journey-Creative on Vimeo.

How do we motivate people with the gospel to obey?

Motivation: How grace leads to obedience. from Journey-Creative on Vimeo.

(HT:  Dane Ortlund)


erik raymond said...

Thanks Zach...very helpful.

David Dorr said...

oh man that first video was just rich!

John Schlaack said...

The videos say they are private now and password protected. Is there a password available or another way to watch them? Thanks!