Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tilt-Shift Photography

This is just plain cool.

Relevant Mag:
Tilt-shift photography is a style that makes photographs seem like miniatures. The effect can be simulated with Photoshop, and, as someone has discovered, can also be applied to famous paintings. Here's a gallery of Van Gogh paintings as tilt-shift photography. Fortunately, there's no disembodied ear or anything ...


Matthew Birch said...

Van Gogh has been my absolute favorite painter and favorite person of interest for as long as I can remember and this was AWESOME its almost 3d.

P.S. I actually liked him a little to much back in the day and when I was a baby Christian I went and got this thing which I now regret but it is good work.

Thanks for posting this.


Unknown said...

Matt, i was just about to send you this link, i should have known you would have already seen this! haha