Thursday, September 09, 2010

What Happened To Islam Being a "Religion of Peace"?

Abraham Piper with an interesting take on the  dude who is burning the Koran.  He writes:
Both the president and General Petraeus have warned that this could risk the lives of our soldiers.
Obama said, "I just want [Jones] to understand that this stunt that he is talking about pulling could greatly endanger our young men and women who are in uniform."
So are Obama and Petraeus prejudiced, because it sounds to me like they’re simply assuming that Muslims are gonna get violent about this?
Jones told Nightline, “[Islam] is a very dangerous religion.” It seems our leadership and many Americans completely agree.
What happened to Islam being a religion of peace?
If what our leaders are saying is true, then the main problem isn’t some idiotic Floridian, it’s a worldwide religion that kills people because of an idiot.
Read the rest.  

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