Tuesday, October 26, 2010

An Abortion Debate - Senator Daylin Leach vs. Scott Klusendorf

Scott Klusendorf reports on and breaks down a recent debate he was in engaged in with Senator Daylin Leach on the topic of abortion.  I appreciated this section of his report:
I began by saying that I agreed with everything the Senator just said. I agreed there should be no laws against abortion. I agreed that we should trust women to make their own decisions without state interference. I agreed government should stay out of the decision to abort. I agreed that pro-lifers like me should butt out of this debate. In short, I agreed completely—IF. If what? If the unborn are not human. And if Senator Leach could present scientific evidence to show that the unborn are not members of the human family and philosophic evidence to show that even if they are, we have no duty to value them, I would concede. In short, I was willing to buy his argument for self-determination and liberty, but only after he demonstrated the unborn are not human. I then asked the audience to consider this question: Would any of his assertions work as a justification for killing toddlers? If not, what was he assuming about the unborn? That’s right, he was assuming that they are not human, like toddlers are. But he needed to argue for this, not merely assume it. 
And this:
Leach was stung badly when a student panelist asked him to answer this question (paraphrase): “Senator Leach, does it trouble you that in most states you can be prosecuted for harming or killing a fetus, unless, of course, you do it through abortion?” The Senator’s reply amounted to saying that wanted fetuses are valued by their mothers and thus should not be killed but unwanted ones are different. Wow. Your right to life depends on how wanted you are. As I pointed out to the students, the homeless are unwanted, but that doesn’t mean we can kill them.
Read the rest.  Friends, for the sake of the unborn, take the time to rest this.  It is a class A example on how to engage on these issues in a way that is winsome but rigorously exact in argumentation.  


Unknown said...

i wish we had video of it. I've seen Klusendorf speak to an audience but haven't yet seen video of him in a debate format like this...

Anonymous said...

I wish you could have seen it Scott, Senator Leach completely squashed the legislative legitimacy of forcing an American woman to make any medical decisions contrary to her wishes. It was awesome!

Anonymous said...

or should I say Brian