Saturday, October 02, 2010

Together For Adoption 2010 - Session Six - Matt Carter - The Church as the Champion of Social Justice

Why is God so passionate about the fatherless? Ever thought about why?

The Bible speaks of “the fatherless” all the time, especially in the Old Testament.

Many people are afraid of emphasizing these things because we might forget evangelism and the Cross. They speak of a slippery slope.

We can’t do that, and we won't do that if we understand the grand storyline of the Bible.

All through the Old Testament it is God making a B-line to the cross. "This is what my love for you looks like."

Quote from Matt - “I am convinced that the global orphan crisis is one of the main barriers to seeing the great commission fulfilled.”

Your experience with your earthly father has more to do with your understanding of your heavenly father than anything else. Earthly dad colors the way you look at your heavenly Dad.

Imagine what is says to a kid who has no father.   We are dealing with millions and millions of kids that have this perspective.

Why does Hollywood have more of a voice for adoption than the church does?

We have to see a movement of the Holy Spirit in the church to wake us up.

**We ended the whole conference by gathering in small groups and praying that God would empower his church by his Spirit for the sake of the orphan.  It was a very fitting ending.**

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