Monday, February 21, 2011

Dunk of the Day - 2011 All-Star Dunk Context - All Dunks

The runner-up guy got robbed.  The over that car dunk was not that impressive in light of where he took off from.  Three balls and the two hoops dunks were the best.


Jason Kanz said...

McGee's dunks during the finals were something completely ordinary and something one would see during a game. Griffin's dunk over the car was unique, but I agree not that impressive. His dunk, where he hung from his elbow, was much more impressive--the most impressive one, in my opinion, given its power.

grinder said...

I was rooting for Griffin, but I do think the other guy should have won. All in all though, I am not complaining. Definitely the most entertaining dunk contest in a long time....possibly since Jordan v. Wilkins. BTW I think Griffin is the second coming of the human highlight reel.

Matthew Birch said...

I thing the dunk behind the the free throw line should have received 10's! Dr. J, Brent Barry and Jordan all took a step in front of the line but this guys was behind it!!