Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Biblical Gospel is Not "In The Middle"

Tim Keller:
The church loses its life-changing dynamism to the degree that its theology goes off to this side or that side—into either uptight legalistic moralism, or into latitudinarianism, broadness, not believing the Bible, licentiousness, relativism.

By saying the biblical gospel is in the middle, that’s not saying “moderation in all things.” Jesus wasn’t moderate in anything. He was radically gentle and radically truth loving at the same time. The gospel isn’t a kind of middle-of-the-road, lukewarm thing. But the gospel is neither legalism nor licentiousness. And to the degree we lose the biblical gospel, we’re never going to be a movement that reaches the city.
Read the rest.

(HT: Matt Perman)

1 comment:

Nick Allen said...

Great quote. One of my pastors described it this way. "You don't draw a line and put religion and irreligion on either side and the Gospel in the middle. The Gospel is not on this line, it is an entirely different line, it's own unique line. So adjusting your level of religion or irreligion does not ever get you to the Gospel, the Gospel removes you FROM the line of religion and irreligion."