Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Razoo - A Great Idea For Your Next Mission Trip


Anyone involved in the church probably has some experience with mission trips and the need to raise money for those mission trips. If that is you, you NEED to check out Razoo. This guys have found a really cool niche to help churches with mission trips and as we develop mission trips in the future at The Vine I'm sure we'll be using these guys. Check it out.

Here is an interview with Razoo CEO, Brian Fujito.
Where does the name ‘Razoo’ come from?
razoo is a small coin of little value. On our website, people come together from all parts of the world to donate to the causes they care about. So, in a sense, we are all bringing our small coins together to make a world of difference.

What is the purpose of Razoo?
It may surprise you to hear this, but Razoo actually exists to make generosity a part of everyday life. That’s how we want to be known – as a growing community of people who want to live generously.

How do you plan to do that?
Good question! We do that by giving anyone in the world the ability to raise money online for nonprofits and churches. We also try to lead the way by offering our excellent fundraising tools for a very low cost.

How can Razoo help someone going on a mission trip?
Let’s say I want to lead a team on a mission trip. I can use Razoo as my mission trip headquarters. Each member of my team can post pictures, upload videos, make comments, and raise money for the trip. Razoo keeps everyone on the same page.

But why should they raise money online?
There are a couple of reasons. First, it just makes organization a lot easier. You can see all the people going on the trip and how much money they’ve raised. Now you don’t have to spend time asking people if they have reached their goal yet. You can see it instantly.

And the second reason?
Second, Razoo eliminates a lot of the paperwork. Now leaders don’t have to worry about getting checks in the mail and sending tax-deductible receipts. Using Razoo can save everyone a lot of time.

Any other reasons?
Yes! Razoo is easy to share. You can connect your page to Facebook and Twitter super easily. This can help get the word out about your trip and help you raise money faster and easier.

Have you ever been on a mission trip?
Yes, I have. But Razoo wasn’t in existence then. I did use Razoo recently, however, to teach my children how to raise money for needy people in Washington, D.C. It was a great experience.

I heard that you and your wife adopted your children from Kazakhstan. What has that been like?
It’s been wonderful! Jonathan and Mira are twins – a boy and a girl – from Kazakhstan. They became a part of our family as infants, and now they’re almost six-years old. They’re so much fun.

And they already know how to live generously, right?
Yes! We were recently approached by a homeless person asking for money. Afterward, we decided to do a fundraiser together on Razoo to help the homeless in D.C. In just a few days, our kids were able to raise several thousand dollars. It was a great experience for our whole family.

1 comment:

Jess Connell said...

Brian is awesome; a very Godly and humble servant. It was a blessing to learn from him and work with him on a past project. Check out Razoo - the Lord blesses whatever Brian puts his efforts into!

Istanbul, Turkey