Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Family of Adoptees

Dan Cruver:
One of the beautiful things about the theology of adoption is that it changes the way we think, speak of, and do “church”.

Being a part of a church community that understands adoption is a life-changing, beautiful thing. It is unlike anything you will ever experience on this earth, because it is a taste of our eternal reality.

If you know and love Jesus, you will spend eternity praising your heavenly Father right along side your fellow co-heirs with Christ. This means that the believers who fill your local church will spend eternity in perfect union with you, as the bride of Christ, partaking of their shared inheritance in Christ. It means every Christian brother and sister that you currently know will be in their glorified bodies, perfectly worshiping your Father.

This truth means that the church family God has placed you in is the most meaningful set of family relationships you will ever have. They are more meaningful then your co-workers who have a lot in common with you, more important then your life-long childhood friends, and more valuable then your biological family. I suspect you will not spend eternity with a bunch of faceless Christians that you never knew on this earth, but I imagine you’ll be shouting out praises to your living God right next to the woman who sat 3 rows back from you 52 Sundays per year.
Read the rest.

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