Monday, May 02, 2011

Grieving, Rejoicing that Osama bin Laden Is Dead

Christopher Morgan:

Osama bin Laden is dead.
How do we as Christians respond?
As I watched the news reports, various passages came to mind–everything from Jesus’ teaching on loving and praying for enemies, to James’ forceful picture of a future slaughterhouse coming upon oppressors of God’s people. The more I reflect on it, the more I realize that my internal tension is similar to another one I have felt many times before–a tension related to the biblical doctrine of hell.
Read the rest.  

1 comment:

Jessica Kramasz said...

I was saddened and disgusted as I watched the news last night. I was disgusted by the way everyone was rejoicing over his death, and I was saddened that his opportunity to repent has come and gone. Hell is eternal, friends. And far beyond what any of us can comprehend. I don't think that we should rejoice when anyone dies in unbelief. Is it a just punishment? Of course. God is not unjust and I don't think anyone would say Bin Laden wasn't deserving of hell - and I am relieved that he is no longer able to continue in his evil here, but I was very uncomfortable with the amount of rejoicing that was going on over his death.