Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Russell Moore Interview on Adoption and Orphan Care

Crossway Blog:

Russell Moore, dean of the School of Theology at Southern Seminary and author of Adopted for Life, speaks with Dennis Rainy and Bob Lepine on FamilyLife Today about thinking rightly about adoption and caring for the needs of orphans. Tune in to their three segments below:
  1. Grappling with Infertility? Could God be leading you to adoption? Moore talks honestly about his family’s struggle with infertility and recalls the precious moment when he opened his heart and mind to the idea of adoption.
  2. Embracing Adoption: Does God want to bless your life through adoption? Moore fondly remembers the days when he and his wife waited for a word from their adoption agency to go pick up their sons. He describes the orphanage in Russia where his sons lived and the emotions they felt as they prepared the boys to travel to their new home in the United States.
  3. Welcome to the Family: Adoption is close to the heart of God. Moore, father of two adopted sons talks about the challenges of adapting his adopted children to their new life and the blessings they’ve seen since expanding their family through adoption.

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