Monday, May 02, 2011

Where You Going To Buy Your MP3s?

Amazon MP3 has always had a few advantages over iTunes, like higher bitrate tracks and great integration with DoubleTwist for non-Apple devices. This weekend, they pushed the envelope even more, lowering their prices to hard-to-ignore levels. While iTunes jacked up the prices to popular songs from $0.99 to $1.29, Amazon is now selling many of those same tracks for a measly $0.69. They've always been a bit ahead of iTunes on the price game (they were only $0.89 before), but a fairly extensive catalog of $0.69 tracks is pretty hard to turn down. If you've foregone Amazon's MP3 store in the past, it might be time for another look—at least if you're into popular music.


Anonymous said...

Unless something is exclusively offered from iTunes, I don't really understand why people buy from their. It's only minutely more convenient than Amazon and once you've set up the download manager to automatically add to the iTunes library, it's not even inconvenient at all. *shrug*


Kevin said...

seriously, amazon mp3 rocks. iTunes is a scam compared to Amazon. I have also found some really good deals through eMusic