Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Young People Are More Pro-Life Today

Timothy Dalrymple:
Ignorance on “the difficult question of when life begins” is an even tougher sell now. Today’s younger generations have grown up with breathtaking images and videos of babies developing and maneuvering within the womb, media that are spread around the world and accessible to anyone with an internet connection. It’s all but impossible to watch an ultrasound video of an abortion and not concede that it takes a life, and the more honest supporters of abortion “rights” will admit as much.
He writes on technology and abortion:
What characterizes the imaging, video, and communications technologies that are turning the tide in the abortion debate is that they merely capture and disseminate the truth. Pro-abortion rhetoric is crashing against the shoals of reality. The womb is no longer a black box. The only way to countenance abortion is to shut our eyes to the very real miracle of life inside the womb. The more that open minds are exposed to the truth, the more they are prepared to defend life.

(HT:  Trevin Wax)

1 comment:

the sife said...

Unfortunately, it appears that while many may be superficially pro-life, they also don't view that as an important enough issue to determine their vote.

I think that's the bad sign of this otherwise encouraging trend.