Monday, July 11, 2011

Just Because It's Legal Doesn't Mean it is Right

Kristen Walker:
A friend of mine who has been heavily involved in the pro-life movement as a social worker for many years recently told me that if pro-lifers and anti-lifers were divided geographically the way they were during the struggle for – and against – the abolition of slavery, she could see it leading to another Civil War. But such is not the case. We’re all mixed in together for this fight. However, states with pro-life legislatures and conservative majorities may find themselves locked in a struggle against the federal government for the right to decide for what their citizens should and should not be compelled to pay.

A couple years ago, I overheard two middle-aged career counselors in a public college – one black man, one white woman – discussing taxpayer funded abortions. “People may not like it,” said the black man, “but it’s the law. You gotta do what the law says.”

I couldn’t help but shake my head at the irony of a black man saying this. One hundred and fifty years ago, individuals broke the law to save his forefathers from slavery, torture, and death.

Just because something is legal doesn’t mean it is right. Slavery is as old as humankind, but as we grew into a more moral, civilized society, we did what had to be done to eradicate it from our civilization. Now we have the opportunity to do the same thing with abortion, and the good people and lawmakers of states such as Indiana, Wisconsin, and Texas, must not back down from the inevitable fight.
Read the rest.

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