Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Why Does God Usually Use The Weak?

Stephen Altrogge:
Permit me to dream for a moment. Imagine if Leonardo DiCaprio got saved. Then he could star in a Christian remake of the movie “Titanic”, and when he stood at the front of the boat and said, “I’m the king of the world!”, Rose would say, “No you’re not, Jesus is.” Then he would repent of sins right there on the Titanic and start an on-boat evangelistic ministry called “Big Boat, Bigger God”. Then, when he died at the end of the movie it wouldn’t be nearly as sad, because he would be in heaven.

Millions would probably see the movie, especially if it was in 3D, leading to a worldwide revival and the spread of the gospel. Maybe DiCaprio and Kirk Cameron would team up to make a couple of movies. Maybe Steven Spielberg would get saved through DiCaprio’s influence. Who knows.

Do you ever wonder why stuff like this doesn’t happen more often? Why don’t more celebrities and shakers and movers get saved?
Read the rest.

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