Thursday, August 25, 2011

Can God Forgive a Serial Killer?

ALBANY - Notorious "Son of Sam" serial killer David Berkowitz has no interest in getting out of jail.

Berkowitz said prison is "not a good place" but he has no plans to seek his release because God has already made him a "free man" by forgiving him.

"Jesus Christ has already forgiven and pardoned me," Berkowitz wrote in a recent letter to a Fox News reporter. "He has given me a whole new life, which I do not deserve."

Berkowitz added that "while society will never forgive me, God has."

The famed serial killer is serving six consecutive 25-years-to-life sentences at the maximum-security Sullivan Correctional Facility in the Catskills for a string of killings that terrorized the city during the 1970s.

Berkowitz, a former Yonkers resident, has been denied parole five times and has been in prison 34 years.

He is eligible for a sixth parole hearing next year.

"I would do anything if I could go back and change things and have prevented the tragedy from happening," Berkowitz wrote.

How you respond to this story can tell you a lot about your view of God,  sin, and the Gospel.

Be honest. What was your immediate thought when reading him say, "while society will never forgive me, God has"?

Most honest, for me, it was, a quick thought of, "Really?  Wow.  That is pretty scandalous."

Exactly.  Quite scandalous.  What this reaction exposes is that I am still in process to believe that my justification is truly by grace through faith.  Completely a work of Jesus' righteousness given to me.  I still like to contribute a little here and there.

If God can't forgive a serial killer, why should be forgive you?  On what basis?


North to Alaka said...

Only God knows a mans heart. We must except by faith that his profession is real. Praise God for his Son because we'd all be right along side him in hell if it wasn't for Jesus and the Cross. Carrie

M&M in Japan said...

This is exactly why I feel that the death penalty question is an easy answer for people who truly realize that their own sin has already put one man to death.

Pastor Ellery said...

"He has given me a whole new life, which I do not deserve."

Wow. Seems as if he understands the fact that he was a sinner saved by Christ through no effort or merit of his own.