Friday, August 26, 2011

Giving Away Four Registrations for Together for Adoption 2011

Interested in going to the Together for Adoption conference Oct. 21 and 22 in Phoenix?  Today I am pleased to announce that I am giving away four registrations for the conference (two couples, four singles, one couple and two single, etc).

All you have to do is...

1.  Post a link ( to the conference website via Twitter or FB 3 times over the next 3 days.  Or tweet something about the conference with a link.  Get creative.

2. "Like" the T4A Facebook page  (

3.  Then leave a comment here with your email address and I'll pick the winners on Monday.

Hope to see you there!  I'll be live-blogging it.


Anonymous said...

We have to do both options? or just one?

Vitamin Z said...


John Park said...

This is something that my wife and I wanted to go to. Thanks for the opportunity to win these tickets! My email is johnpark43[at]

Renee said...

My husband and I would LOVE to be one of the couples.. =) We're fundraising for our adoption and so won't be able to go otherwise.
Thanks for doing this, either way! =)

Renee Skibinski

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks for this possible opportunity. My wife and I are adopting from Uganda and would love to go to this conference!

Clay Weed

Anonymous said...

done, done and done!

Michael Dewalt said...

done, done, and done. mmdewalt AT gmail DOT com

April Star said...

I am an adoptive mom and orphan advocate and I would love the privilege of attending this conference and being in community with a multitude of adoption advocates and those who desire to be the voice for the voiceless! My email is

Thank you!
April O'Neil

Anonymous said...

My husband and I would LOVE to go to the T4ACon. Email is le.jelinek at gmail dot com. Thank you for the opportunity. Hope to see you there!

Unknown said...
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Micah said...

Done. Thanks for the opportunity! micah.jelinek [at] gmail dot com.

Bryan Lopez said...

dooooooone. bryan {at}

Beckyb said...

I did both!!! :) Thanks so much!