Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Great Discussion on Sanctification

Dustin Neeley:
I am very thankful for much of the dialogue that has been happening recently around the role of the Gospel in Sanctification.

I believe it has been needful and helpful and should continue as its implications are vast.

Like many of you, I tried to follow some of the dialogue but amidst all of the “point counterpoint” and the rest of my priorities in life, I just simply got overwhelmed in all the posts and had to stop.

My assistant, Tyler Miller (shout out!) however has come to the rescue!

He has taken ALL of the posts that Justin Taylor recently pointed too in a “summary post” and copied and pasted them into a PDF (complete with citations) that I (and you) can now read on the treadmill.

All 47 pages of them.

So, I will tell Tyler you said “thank you” and we would appreciate it if you retweet and link to this so we don’t feel like we wasted our time ; )

Seriously, we hope it helps.

Click below to get it.

Law and Gospel Info

1 comment:

Steve Martin said...

As long as the sacraments are relagated to something that WE DO...the Christian sanctification projects will flourish.

We need assurance. And for a great many Christians this means sanctifying themselves.

We are Declared Holy and Righteous for Jesus' sake. Period.