Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Real Men Repent

Guest Post by Los Griego

My friend and Acts 29 Pastor, Carlos Montoya not only has a good 1st name, but also has a great post over at The Resurgence. In New Mexico the culture for men is centered on "machismo". In other words, the culture is about being the toughest man and also getting with as many women as you can. This influences many men, breaks apart many families and grows a culture of violence and aggression in men throughout the state.

Carlos grew up in a culture like this, but then his dad met Jesus and everything changed.

This post is worth a read.

Here is an excerpt:

This began to teach me that there was more to being a man than I was taught. The violent and proud man I once knew was gone, and in his place was a humble and gentle man. A man who still commanded respect, but not through fear. It came through friendship.

I’ll never forget the day my dad came to me and confessed his sins against our family and me. He admitted he was wrong in so many areas of his life, and that by God’s grace he would be a better example of what a man truly is. He didn’t only do this with me, but also with so many people he had wronged throughout his life. It was in that moment I learned one of the most important things about being a man.

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