Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Using The Force in Home Schooling

Yesterday was the first day of our last year of homeschooling.  Next year (God willing) we'll start Charis Classical Academy.  Anyway, as I was leaving the house I overheard my wife ask the kids, "What do you guys want to learn this year in school?"  Quickly my oldest son (8) piped up and said, "I want to learn to use The Force!"

My wife is pretty much a Jedi Knight already so I wouldn't be surprised if I come home one of these days and find the kids levitating objects all around the house.

When assigning a difficult task, my wife is bound to hear the usual response of, "Ok, I guess I'll try."  In that case I have instructed her to give the clear response of "Do or do not, there is no try."

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