Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Connection Between Fear and Worry

Running Scared: Fear, Worry & the God of Rest
Do you see the connection with fear and worry? Keep the fear/need connection in mind. Whatever you think you need will control you. If you need something from other people - love, acceptance, approval - they hold the keys to something very valuable to you. You will live in fear that they might not deliver. You will fear those who are the gatekeepers to the fulfillment of your needs.

Why do adults fear a little extra weight? Health is rarely the issue. The real issue is what you will think of me. Why do so many people fear public speaking more than death? The opinions of other human beings are by far the scariest thing on the planet.

- Ed Welch, Running Scared: Fear, Worry & the God of Rest, p. 173, 174

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