Tuesday, September 27, 2011

POWERFUL Testimony

Bob Bevington:
The person in the Bible with whom I most identify is the Sinful Woman of Luke chapter seven. It is likely that her sins took place in the arena of her sexuality. And, nevertheless, she was forgiven by Jesus and transformed by grace 
Have you ever wondered why Luke does not provide her name? Perhaps it was to protect her privacy. To not embarrass her. But also may have been so that thousands of people could eventually substitute their own name in a parallel story. 
The following testimony is remarkable and rare. It is one I have personally witnessed. The fact that I have changed the name of the individual in no way diminishes the power and insight of her story. Wouldn’t it be great if one or two people could get inspired by reading this and eventually insert their own name? 
My friend “Janet” experienced same-sex attraction at a young age. After a failed marriage, she went all-in and became a raging lesbian (her words). But as you will see, her story does not end there. 
As I interviewed Janet for this blog post, I was astonished by her insight into the nature of homosexuality. And as I listened to her story of being transformed by the Gospel, I felt an unexpected feeling of being at home. In one big way we couldn’t be more different. But in an even bigger way, we couldn’t be more alike. We have both been drenched in the same grace. Grace that flows red, like blood 
I asked her some hard questions. And she responded without blinking. When we were done, I told Janet she needs to write a book. I sure hope she does. Because hers is a story people, especially Christians, need to hear...
Read the rest.

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