Thursday, September 08, 2011

Redemption in Ukraine

In Ukraine the story is common.  An alcoholic mother.  A non-existent father.  A childhood spent in an orphanage. 
For Sergey, though, this is not just a story.  This is life.  At the age of three, Sergey was moved to Loubetin Orphanage and in that same year, he lost his eye when it was stuck with a needle by his mentally handicapped brother.  In the orphanage he didn't receive an artificial eye until he was 12 years old.  Already very shy and quiet by nature, Sergey spent most of those 9 years hiding his face behind his hand. 
But when Sergey was 16 years old his life started to change.  After spending time with the Lifesong Ukraine staff, participating in Bible studies and activities, Sergey gave his life to Christ.  That same year he changed his family name to Poshelok, the name of Lifesong Ukraine directors, Denis and Tanya Poshelok. 
Today Sergey is 20 years old.  He graduated this year with a degree in landscape design.  Now, after working on over ten landscaping projects, Sergey has joined with some of the fellow young men in Lifesong's transition programand started a small tree nursery business.  

In a country where orphans typically end up continuing in a cycle of hopelessness, Sergey has greatly risen above his circumstances.  We praise God for His ability to make beauty from ashes... a gift that never ceases to amaze!

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