Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What's So Wrong With Multi-Site Church?

Thabiti Anyabwile makes that case against multi-site church.

I don't have my mind made up on this one.  Honestly, I think there is freedom for individual congregations to decide what they think is best since the Bible is not prescriptive on this topic.

That being said, we should do our best to think long and hard about our methods of ecclesiology and the implications therein.  If you are in favor of multi-site, Thabiti's post would be important to think through.


Jason D. said...

While true that there is nothing in the Bible that says, "Thou shalt not do multi-site church" consider how multi-site will affect a pastor and his ability to fulfill his duty (and many other issues). Best, careful, charitable critique on this is from 9marks ejournal:

(see bottom half of articles)

Nick Allen said...

It's helpful thayJason only points out the articles that are against multiple-site and doesn't encourage you to read the ones thare arguing for it...