Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Five Steps to Planting Life Giving Community Groups

Get Brad House's book for a more fully formed explanation of all these points.

Brad House:
1. Ask why.

The first question I ask any pastor or leadership team is, “Why do you have community groups in your church?” The answer sets a trajectory that may determine your success. At Mars Hill Church, we don’t build community groups to grow the church or retain visitors. We build community to reflect the grace of God through Jesus Christ and to accomplish His mission of reconciliation.

2. Establish community groups as an essential element of the church.

If community is an option in the beginning of your church, it will become difficult to make that shift later. Churches who start there tend to have a culture of community that naturally propagates.

3. Build structures and systems that reinforce your vision.

The structures and systems you employ for developing community can reinforce or undermine your vision. A tension exists between a loose management structure and overbearing dictates. One fails to proactively make disciples, the other feels obligatory and artificial. Take the time to consider the effects of your structures and systems to prevent unintentionally snuffing out what makes community life giving.

4. Invest in high-level leaders who own the mission and vision.

You need a handful of leaders who are willing to do the hard work of plowing, seeding and harvesting. Take the time to build up these leaders and they will help you sustain a movement of reproductive community groups. These will be your first coaches who oversee groups and disciple leaders. It is critical to get leaders in these spots that own the mission and vision. Starting a bunch of groups without them is like expecting crops to grow without someone to nurture, water and weed. These leaders should be your highest priority.

5. Teach your leaders to lead and let them.

I see two mistakes regularly in small group ministries. The first is neglecting to teach leaders how to lead without letting them actually lead. Teach your leaders to be Gospel centered shepherds of the appointed flock among them. The second mistake I see is not teaching them how to engage culture with the Gospel. The group needs to own the vision to make disciples and not just become an insular Bible study. This is the natural tendency if it is not monitored closely.

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