Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Miami Heat and Discipleship

Eric Geiger:
Living in Miami for eight years turned me into a huge Miami Heat fan. Losing to the Mavericks in the Finals last year was painful to watch, particularly game 2 where the Mavs staged one of the greatest comebacks in NBA history. Up by 16 points, the Heat stopped playing to win and started playing not to lose. They started playing basketball's version of prevent defense. Fans hate prevent defense because teams historically blow big leads. With prevent defense, the team assumes they will win. In their mind, they don't need to score any more points; they just need to protect what they already have.

In the same way, there is a mammoth difference between offensive discipleship and defensive discipleship--a major difference between offensive pastoring and defensive pastoring. And a leader's approach reveals his theology about the heart of people.
Read the rest.

(HT: T-Wax)

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