Thursday, January 19, 2012

“It’s a Girl: The Three Deadliest Words in the World.”

This trailer is hard to watch but you need to.

(HT:  Denny Burk)


Jason Kanz said...

If we stripped away the word "abortion" and told Americans that there was a killer out there selectively and disproportionately targeting women and ethnic minorities, they would respond vigorously and furiously. The women's rights groups have fought for so long for the freedom to choose, yet not connecting the dots that they are choosing to kill themselves. They cannot be consistent in their rhetoric if they claim to be for the rights of women and minorities if they continue to encourage the practice that kills them in great number.

Anonymous said...

Abortion is not the issue here. Most of these killings happen AFTER the baby is born. The issue is the value of a woman in society. Whether a child is an economic asset or a liability. People who kill their daughters don't do it out of happiness or crazy love for male childs. They're the ones living on the edge of societies and can't afford a daughter...who will grow up and need to be married off with a dowry. It's the social value of a woman that's grossly underappreciated.