Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rick Santorum, Meet My Son

A woman writes about why she wishes she would have aborted her own child.

These issues can be quite complicated and we should have compassion on those who watch others suffer.  Especially the unthinkable:  Watching your own child suffer.

But I am left to ask:  Is the child still created in the Image of God?  Is that worth anything?  Is there sanctity and value simply because a human being is still a human being, no matter how broken?

Undoubtedly, if one does not hold to the Christian worldview it is easy to come to the conclusion that abortion might be the right choice.  But if we say that abortion is the right choice where does that leave us? Who gets to decide which child and for what reasons should be selected to be eliminated?  We all know the horror stories but what about those that are not so horrific?  Just because someone might have a more challenging life due to a birth defect or the like, should they be a candidate for termination?  Wouldn't you want the option to choose life for yourself?  Who are we to say to someone, "Since you don't have any legs, you probably shouldn't be allow to live."  Sounds like a scary cultural path to go down.

Remember this post?  I would encourage you to go back and read it again.  It derived the most traffic I have ever seen from one post on this blog.  Does this speak at all to the issue that this woman is writing about?  I think it does.

Let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

why not go ahead and just kill the boy now, what's the difference? a little bit of time and a few inches of birth canal?

Unknown said...

Zach, i totally remember that post about baby Matt... in fact, the part of their blog post you quoted stuck with me since then... it is incredibly impactful.

"Matt doesn't respond positively to all the love and care we shower on him, and despite the fact that I knew in my head he wouldn't, I still want him to smile back at me......"

Michelle said...

"Who are we to say to someone, 'Since you don't have any legs, you probably shouldn't be allow to live.'"

This sounds exactly like what the Nazis were trying to do, and, as a nation, we go down this path at the peril of our very souls. May God have mercy on us, and may this genocide of the innocent be brought to an end.

Mike Lynch said...

Her argument is a bad one. We are not mere animals that should be put down. And by the end of the article, she's resorting the outdated argument of women should be able to do what they want with they're own bodies. Honestly, I don't know how she can say such things looking at that face.

Brian said...

Anonymous said...
why not go ahead and just kill the boy now, what's the difference? a little bit of time and a few inches of birth canal?

That is exactly what is being proposed in an international journal of ethics. Full story here:

The One minute version here: