Thursday, February 16, 2012

Should Christians Impose Their Morality on Society?

Alan Shlemon writes for a short and helpful article to clarify this issue.   His conclusion:
Christians have the right, as well as any citizen, to impose their morals on society. To try to limit their role in public policy is an illegitimate attempt to silence dissent. It’s a group’s way of saying, “Just go away,” while at the same time imposing their own moral vision on society. It’s not only unlawful, it’s un-American.
Read the rest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a dangerous argument when it uses words like "impose." Because the corollary to "Christians have the right to [try to] impose their morality on society" is that "Muslims (or atheists, or any non-Christians) have the right to [try to] impose their morality on society."

Furthermore, to apply the argument to a current controversy, if public policy is simply a question of differing groups imposing their respective moralities on society, then the Catholic church is without avenue for complaint about the birth-control mandate.

Liberals and womens' rights groups express a morality that says access to contraception is a right. Whether you agree with that or not, if you accept the argument that morality can be imposed on society, then you cannot complain when it is imposed on society.