Saturday, March 31, 2012

Marc Martel Singing Nessun Dorma

Last week I got to see Marc Martel live with his band Downhere. It was a great show. I honestly think Marc is one of the best singers in the world, yet remains virtually unknown in a Christian rock band that has been around a long time but has never been a huge presence in the CCM scene.  Just last week it was stunning to sit in a local church a few miles from my house with 1,000 other people and listen to this guy sing.  It was truly an honor.  He would destroy most of the people that show up on American Idol.

Marc is going to be playing the role of Freddie Mercury in a new Queen tribute band that is touring this summer.  Once you hear him sing, you'll know why.

Anyway, here he is trying his hand at opera.  I don't know much about opera but this song is stunningly beautiful and as far as I can tell he could make a living singing in this genre as well.  Not bad for a front man of a rock band!


AndrewFinden said...

Not bad at all! Far better than anyone who was on the UK's recent Popstar to Operastar.

I've always like Downhere, and Marc's voice.. and he clearly has a natural technique - with a bit of training he could have a career in opera (though almost certainly not singing big puccini like this). I'd like to hear him sing some more lyric rep

Becky Bartlett said...

He is phenominal. And this song is one of my favorites!!

Anonymous said...

Who is the FIRST CAT that he mentions as an influence? George Michael