Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bon Iver on Ellen

If you don't yet have his latest recording, you are missing out.

(HT: Steve McCoy)


David said...

It's not that I don't like Bon's just that I can't let myself think this is the direction music would ever go as a whole.

Also, your captchas are REALLY hard.

Vitamin Z said...

What is a captcha? What is hard about it? Please explain.

Jordan said...

Z, a captcha is the swirly distorted words you must type in order to post a comment on your blog. It's basically a step to prove you aren't a robot spamming a website. Blogger uses their own captcha program from Google. It doesn't use real words, so sometimes it can be difficult to decipher what to type. I personally like Recapcha, also a google supported project. You can learn more at

Maybe blogger will move over to recaptcha someday.

Also, my wife hates Bon Iver. It's not my favorite type of music, but I appreciate what they do musically. Good stuff.